Goodbody Asset Management


Goodbody Asset Management is a boutique Irish based asset manager specialising in active global investment funds. Their experienced team has a proven track record in delivering both strong investment performance and innovative transparent products.  They believe outperformance comes from adhering to a structured and transparent investment process, centred on their three core investment pillars.

1. Consistency  – One investment approach across all strategies.
2. Conviction  – Concentrated equity portfolios of between 30 to 45 companies.
3. Compounding  – Focus on the long-term with low stock turnover.

Their multi asset funds (GDI 3 and GDI 4) are unique in that the companies selected are high quality dividend paying equities.  The other assets in GDI 3 & GDI 4 consist of government bonds (mostly European investment grade), corporate bonds, cash and gold.  In addition, they purchase some Put protection which helps smooth returns when equity markets become more volatile.

The Goodbody Smaller Company Fund invests in c30 to 45 Small & Mid sized growth companies.  Global Small & Mid sized companies have historically offered a compelling risk/reward opportunity compared to larger cap equities.

The Goodbody Global Leaders Fund invests in c30 to 45 companies that dominate their industries with sustained leadership positions.  Many of these types of companies have some of the best track records of producing successful innovation on a consistent basis.

Goodbody Asset Management